2017년 7월 2일 일요일

교육학 `몬스터 주식회사` 활용한 영어 학습(영문)

교육학 `몬스터 주식회사` 활용한 영어 학습(영문)
[교육학] `몬스터 주식회사` 활용한 영어 학습(영문).ppt

2.Scene #1.
3.Scene #2.

Release Year: 2001
Rating: G
Director: David Silverman, Pete Docter
Producer: Darla K Anderson
Distributor: Disney/Pixar
Monsters, Inc. is the largest scare ⓐ in the monster world and the top kid ⓑ is James P. Sullivan (John Goodman), a huge, intimidating monster with blue fur, large purple spots and horns, known as ⓒ to his friends. Scaring children isn t such an easy job, though monsters believe children are ⓓ and that direct contact with them would be ⓔ .

EX    toxic   factory   Sulley   catastrophic   scarer

An adorable, vivacious little girl who takes her journey through her closet door into the monster world.

주식회사, 몬스터, 영어, 교육학, 주식

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