2017년 7월 31일 월요일

한국사회의 출산률 감소(영문)

한국사회의 출산률 감소(영문)
한국사회의 출산률 감소(영문).hwp

Executive summary

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Discussion

1. Causes of low birthrate in Korea

2. Problems caused by low birthrate

Ⅲ. Conclusion

Ⅳ. Recommendation to boost the birthrate

Ⅴ. Expected effects after application of solutions

Ⅵ. Reference


Through this report, we are going to come into the spotlight on decreasing birthrate in korea society. First of all, take in the whole situation about causes of decreasing birthrate. We ascribed decreasing birthrate to social perception, excessive cost of private child-caring, shortage of child-care facilities and systems for working parents, and hesitancy toward marriage by women. These reasons have created many problems such as decreasing of economically active population, graying society, and More support burden for working class to the elderly. We arrived at a conclusion that we can solve problems through ways like increasing financial support for raising children, investing on constructing children care centers near work place, and conducting a campaign about promote child birth. Consequently it can lead to concentrating for women on their job activities, lightening parents' burden on the rearing of children, and changing narrow-minded social birthratenition about nurturing children.

저출산의 배경 - 김민식 2010

Public policy measures in the era of population aging - 안종범 2010

저출산.고령화의 영향과 정책 과제 - 국회예산정책처 2009

한국사회, 출산률, 영문, 사회, 한국

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