2017년 5월 30일 화요일

금융학 금융기관의 운영리스크 관리(영문)

금융학 금융기관의 운영리스크 관리(영문)
[금융학] 금융기관의 운영리스크 관리(영문).pptx

Ⅰ. The Background adopted VaR

Ⅰ. Types of Risk
Ⅱ. The Definition of VaR
Ⅲ. Interpretation of VaR
Ⅳ. How to measure VaR
1) Determination by Simulation
① Historical Simulation
② Monte Carlo Simulation
2) Determination by Model
① Analytical Variance-Covariance
Ⅴ. Annual Reports of KB Bank

Ⅰ. The Limitation of VaR and improvement

II. The Definition of VaR

Value at Risk (VaR)

Maximum loss not exceeded with a given
probability defined as the confidence level,
over a given period of time.

III. Interpretation of VaR
The Question Being Asked in VaR

"What loss level is such that we are X %
confident it will not be exceeded
in N business days?"

Confidence Level

Probability that Portfolio Price is in Certain Range
When Confidence Level rises up,
VaR also rises up!

금융기관, 리스크, 금융학, 운영리스크

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