2017년 5월 31일 수요일

경영학 델몬트 4P, SWOT 분석 및 전략 제안(영문)

경영학 델몬트 4P, SWOT 분석 및 전략 제안(영문)
[경영학] 델몬트 4P, SWOT 분석 및 전략 제안(영문).ppt

1. Introduction
2. CEO's Lecture & Interview
3. 4Ps
4. SWOT analysis
5. Suggestions

Interviews with the Keun-ho Kang,
CEO of Delmonte Korea.

What is Delmont's differentiation strategies to compete with several international firms producing fruits such as Dole, Sunkist, Zespri?

* Marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness.
* Providing various and high quality fruits products.
* Advanced transport system.

Domestic imported fruits(banana and orange) production is increasing. How do you think Delmonte will be affected by this situation?

*Domestic imported fruits production need a lot of money and is insufficient to meet the domestic demands.

SWOT, 델몬트, 전략, 경영학, 분석

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