2016년 5월 27일 금요일

주홍글씨 (The Scarlet Letter) 칠링워스 (영문)

주홍글씨 (The Scarlet Letter) 칠링워스 (영문)
주홍글씨 (The Scarlet Letter) 칠링워스 (영문).pptx

1, Intro
2, Hester
3, Chillingworth
4, Dimmesdale
5, Rappaccini

1, Intro

Chillingworth .
Chillingworth .
Chillingworth .?!

"Chill" : Chillness or coldness itself,
"worth" : having the qualification of some-sort

The name depicts two sides .

1. Chillingworth is worth the respect he receives from people due to his acute intelligence.

2. His name displays the lacking ability to sympathize with other people.

2, Hester

Huge age gap between hester and Chillingworth makes their marriage unfortunate

Hester and Chillingworth did not marry based on mutual affection

Chillingworth is too obsessed with psychopathic science

Chillingworth went away, leaving hester for a long time

Judging from all these acts, Hester s action is understandable and should be justified.

3, Chillingworth

Cannot be a symbol of cold reason
Human compassion seems to be present
Once a thoughtful man
Lost everything due to Hester
The only one who committed no crime
Revenge for someone who wronged him first
May be cruel, but that is what makes him human

주홍글씨, 칠링워스, 영문, 주홍, 글씨

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