2017년 10월 5일 목요일

회사소개 PPT 샘플 - 시큐어소프트회사소개자료

회사소개 PPT 샘플 - 시큐어소프트회사소개자료

Primary Investors
Reference Sites
Evolution of Business Model
Corporate Identity
Industry Growth by Segment
E-Security Coverage
Product Lineup
Mission Statement
Business Highlights
Summary of Financial Statement
Business Strategy

Acquired the first 'certification of K4 & K4E' from government
Acquired the 'NT Mark'
'IR52 Changyongsil prize'
'The Best E-commerce Technology' prize of 1999
Win the 'industrial prize for venture company' of 1999
Selected 'one of Korea 100 technologies in 20th century'
Win 'Customer Hit prize of 2000 elected by Korea daily paper
'Best Internet Technology Company' prize (Technology) of 2000'
Selected as one of the "TOP 21 IT Frontier CEOs" for 21st Century (Hankook daily newspaper)

하고 싶은 말
회사소개 PPT 샘플 - 시큐어소프트회사소개자료

회사소개, PPT, 샘플, 시큐어소프트, 사업계획서, 제안서, 기획서, 템플릿

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