2017년 6월 27일 화요일

소비자주의와 광고 (영문)

소비자주의와 광고 (영문)
소비자주의와 광고 (영문).pptx

1. Advertisement?

2. Consumer beware : advertising techniques

3. Purpose of advertisement
1) The familiarity factor
2) Positive association
(1) Symbols
(2) Celebrity endorsements
3) Be a better person!
4) But advertising doesn't affect me

4. Conclusion

1. Advertisement?

We are always looking for the ads. Through TV or other things(Naver, Daum). In general, the advertisement tells the world something that has meaning

2. Consumer beware : advertising techniques
One Commercials

15~30 Seconds

Amount of time and money

Although most commercials only take 15-30 seconds, an astounding amount of time and money go into their production.

Marketing agencies invest a lot of money into research on the most effective ways to persuade consumers to buy their products.

소비자주의, 광고, 영문, 소비자, 주의

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