2017년 6월 27일 화요일

행정론 공공기관 관리 사례 연구-Challenger Explosion(영문)

행정론 공공기관 관리 사례 연구-Challenger Explosion(영문)
[행정론] 공공기관 관리 사례 연구-Challenger Explosion(영문).pptx

1. Introduction
2. Causes of explosion
3. Applying theory
4. Conclusion

Causes of explosion - circumstance
Conditions of NASA
Political pressure : Going ahead with the 'Launch'
Danger of having its budget cut
Bureaucratic and vertical decision making process
Normal level of reporting channel only → Omission

External conditions of NASA and Stakeholders
Technical inspection board and committee
Rocket parts suppliers
Negative attitudes of professionals

Causes of explosions - organization system
NASA did not want to put off the launch.
NASA considered O-ring problem as an 'acceptable risk'.
NASA worried about that delay would spoil whole project.

NASA, Causes, Challenger Explosion, 공공기관, 행정론

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